
Fagopyrum sagittatum

Buckwheat is a warm season grain which grows rapidly during the summer and several crops per year may be had with proper management. The rapid and dense growth of this plant chokes out weeds and is used in crop-free fields in rotation with vegetables. Buckwheat is often grown to attract beneficial insects, like honey bees. It establishes very quickly, has low heat requirements for development, and will produce a crop in 80-90 days. Buckwheat grows vegetative and flowers until killed by frost. Buckwheat has been primarily used for humans and livestock, honey crop, and green manure.

Lifespan: annual

Season: warm

Uses: grain crop, bee pasture, soil improving cover crop, wildlife cover

Native or Introduced: Native

Annual Average Precipitation: 12 inches

Field Seeding Rate (lbs/acre): 60 to 80

Turf Seeding Rate (lbs/1000 s.f.): n/a

Price: Please Contact for Price

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