PBSI Native Sandyland Mix

Our Native Sandyland Mix is specially designed for one of the hardest-to-manage soil types on the Great Plains: sandy sites. Our Sandyland mix has a wide variety of native, sand-loving native grass species, which ensures that you will have a resilient, tough forage community under a wide variety of moisture conditions. The Sandyland Mix works also well on marginal, sandy cropland; as well as stabilizing blowouts and open dunes on denuded rangeland.

Ingredients: Little Bluestem, Sideoats Grama, Switchgrass, Sand Bluestem, Big Bluestem, Sand Dropseed, Yellow Indiangrass, Prairie Sandreed, Western Wheatgrass

Seeding Rate: 10 PLS/Acre

Price: $ 14.00 PLS lb

All prices are subject to confirmation. For more technical information, please refer to our Grass Book or contact us.

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