Barley is an annual or biennial grass that is widely cultivated for yielding grain for breakfast food, animal feed and in malt beverages. It is well adapted to diverse environmental conditions [...]
Buckwheat is a warm season grain which grows rapidly during the summer and several crops per year may be had with proper management. The rapid and dense growth of this plant chokes out weeds and [...]
Cereal or Witner Rye can be seeded later in fall than other cover crops and still provide considerable dry matter, an extensive soil-holding root system, significant reduction of nitrate leaching [...]
Cowpeas are an annual, warm season legume, also commonly referred to as Southern pea, Blackeye Pea, or Crowder Pea. Cowpeas are the most productive heat adapted legume used agronomically in the [...]
Dwarf Essex Rape is a succulent, cabbage-related plant that will persist well after the first frost. It is a mustard crop grown primarily for its seed which yields about forty percent oil and a [...]
Faba Beans are one of the oldest plants under cultivation, having been grown in ancient Greece and Rome. Unlike other beans, they prefer cool weather, allowing them to be planted and harvested [...]
Field Peas are an annual cool season grain legume that produces a high-quality, high- protein crop. Field Pea (also known as dry pea) differs from fresh peas because Field Pea is marketed as a [...]
Foxtail Millet is thought to be native to southern Asia and is considered one of the oldest cultivated millets. It is an introduced, annual, warm-season crop that grows 2 to 5 feet tall. Foxtail [...]
Hybrid Pearl Millet is a warm season, annual, forage millet species that grows between 6 to 10 feet, and is most commonly planted for cattle, sheep, goats, horses and wildlife. Hybrid Pearl [...]
Japanese Millet is an annual that grows 2 to 4 feet tall. It will tolerate wet and muddy soil conditions while growing and can even be slightly flooded while growing as long as the leaves remain [...]
Oats are a cereal grain that are known for their rapid germination and growth. They can be planted in the fall or spring, and work excellently when they are utilized for erosion control purposes [...]
Radish is a cool-season, annual forb with a notable taproot. While it is generally native to Southeast Asia, its origin is uncertain, and it was domesticated independently in India, Central Asia, [...]
Sorghum-Sudan hybrids are crosses between forage-type sorghums and sundangrass. Sorghum is an upright summer annual that is extremely drought tolerant, and an excellent choice for arid and dry [...]
Forage Sorghum is an upright summer annual that is extremely drought tolerant, and an excellent choice for arid and dry areas. It has special adaptations to weather extremes and is a very stable [...]
Grain Sorghum is one of the top cereal crops in the world. It is an upright, short-day, summer annual that is extremely drought tolerant, and an excellent choice for arid and dry areas. It has [...]
Triticale is a hardy hybrid of wheat and cereal rye producing a high yield of forage crop. Combination of grain quality, productivity, and disease resistance of wheat with the vigor and hardiness [...]
Triticale is a hardy hybrid of wheat and cereal rye producing a high yield of forage crop. Combination of grain quality, productivity, and disease resistance of wheat with the vigor and hardiness [...]
Turnips are hardy, cool-season vegetables that can be grown in a wide range of climates and conditions. Generally grown as an annual, turnips grow best in full sun or partial shade. This crop [...]
Wheat is a cool season, drought tolerant grass best known for its grain. There are two classifications of wheat; winter and spring with over 100 varieties available. It’s less likely than barley [...]
Winter Peas are considered a cool-season annual legume, although it can be successfully grown in the spring/summer in cooler regions. It is a low-growing, vine like plant that can reach 2- to [...]