PBSI Rocky Mountain Wildflower Mix

PBSI's Rocky Mountain Wildflower Mix is a custom seed mix, designed to grow beautiful flowers at higher altitudes. This mix contains a wide variety of species that will thrive in the unique conditions of the Rocky Mountains. Thrill your visitors with an abundance of Colorado color! This mix performs optimally above 6000'.

Ingredients: Siberian Wallflower, Perennial Lupine, Sweet Williams Pink, Blanketflower, Rocky Mountain Penstemon, Blue Flax, Tall Blue Cornflower, Annual Baby's Breath, 'Alaska' Shasta Daisy, California Orange Poppy, Mixed Corn Poppy, Purple Coneflower, Blue Columbine, Western Yarrow, Fleabane Daisy

Seeding Rate: 1/4-1/3 lb/1,000 s.f.

Price: $ 30.00 per lb

All prices are subject to confirmation. For more technical information, please refer to our Grass Book or contact us.

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