Alfalfa is a deep rooted and moderately long-lived perennial. Alfalfa is one of the most widely used legumes for hay production. Also found in pasture, range and revegetation mixes. Some alfalfa [...]
Alsike Clover is a short- lived perennial clover that acts as a biennial. It is well adapted to cool climates and wet soils. It grows well in poorly drained soil and offers high forage quality, [...]
Buckwheat is a warm season grain which grows rapidly during the summer and several crops per year may be had with proper management. The rapid and dense growth of this plant chokes out weeds and [...]
The hardiest of cereals, rye can be seeded later in fall than other cover crops and still provide considerable dry matter, an extensive soil-holding root system, significant reduction of nitrate [...]
Common Vetch is a high-yielding winter annual legume used for forage, cover-cropping, wildlife and pollinator habitat. Common Vetch is less winter-hardy than hairy vetch. Both are significant [...]
Faba Beans are one of the oldest plants under cultivation, having been grown in ancient Greece and Rome. Unlike other beans, they prefer cool weather, allowing them to be planted and harvested [...]
Festulolium is a cool season grass, and is a hybrid forage grass developed by crossing Meadow Fescue or Tall Fescue with Perennial Ryegrass or Italian Ryegrass. This enables combining the best [...]
Mammoth Red Clover or single- cut clover is not as desirable for hay or pasture as medium red clover. It blooms about 10 days to 2 weeks later than medium red clover and recovers very slowly [...]
Medium Red Clover is a short-lived perennial, 2-3 years, and usually produces 2-3 cuttings of hay or silage per year with most aggressive growth in the spring. It is an aggressive establisher and [...]
Oats are a cereal grain that are known for their rapid germination and growth. They can be planted in the fall or spring, and work excellently when they are utilized for erosion control purposes [...]
Sainfoin is a winter hardy, non-bloat legume whose forage is high in quality, very palatable and readily consumed. It is deep-rooted and very drought resistant. It has showy flowers and is an [...]
Timothy is a relatively short-lived, cool-season, introduced perennial grass that grows in stools or clumps. It is known to coexist with native plants and is usually seeded in mixtures with [...]
Triticale is a hardy hybrid of wheat and cereal rye producing a high yield of forage crop. Combination of grain quality, productivity, and disease resistance of wheat with the vigor and hardiness [...]
Wheat is a cool season, drought tolerant plant best known for its grain. There are two classifications of wheat; winter and spring with over 100 varieties available. It’s less likely than barley [...]
White Clover is short- lived creeping perennial. It is widely adapted, very cold hardy, and can be found growing naturally from the Arctic Circle to all parts of the temperate regions of the [...]
Winter Peas are considered a cool-season annual legume, although it can be successfully grown in the spring/summer in cooler regions. It is a low-growing, vine like plant that can reach 2- to [...]
Yellow blossom sweet clover is a cold tolerant biennial that is very easy to establish. Drought and cold tolerant, use for erosion control on saline and alkaline soils. Matures 10 to 14 days [...]