Organic Winter Peas

Pisum sativum

Winter Peas are considered a cool-season annual legume, although it can be successfully grown in the spring/summer in cooler regions. It is a low-growing, vine like plant that can reach 2- to 4-feet tall, depending on soil fertility and management. Winter-hardy peas, especially Austrian Winter Peas, can withstand temperatures as low as 10° F with only minor injury. They are sensitive to heat, particularly in combination with humidity. They tend to languish in mid-summer even in the cool Northeast. Winter Peas produce flowers in the spring, which are pinkish-purple in color.

Lifespan: Annual

Season: cool

Uses: forage, cover crop

Native or Introduced: Introduced

Annual Average Precipitation: 16 inches

Field Seeding Rate (lbs/acre): 75 to 100 

Price: Based on Variety


Variety: Price:


$ 1.45 per lb

Spring Delta

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