Annual Sunflower

Helianthus annuus

Annual Sunflower is a native short-lived perennial or annual native forb noted for its brilliant, daisy-like flowers, and grows 5 to 10 feet tall. They are drought tolerant, easy to grow, and prefer a rich, slightly moist soil. The sunflower is a native domesticated crop. It adds an outstanding value to wildlife in the prairies and other parts of the West, and is used as fodder for livestock, food for poultry, and ensilage. The seeds are an excellent food source for birds and is often used as a component in upland game food plots. This annual native wildflower can be found throughout most of the country, growing along roadsides, fence lines and meadows. It makes a great cut flower and is as attractive to bees and butterflies as it is to people.

Lifespan: annual or perennial

Season: cool

Uses: amnenity grassland, reclamation, CRP, pollinator, wildlife habitat, biodiversity

Native or Introduced: Native

Annual Average Precipitation: 10 inches

Field Seeding Rate (lbs/acre): 3 to 5

Turf Seeding Rate (lbs/1000 s.f.): n/a

Price: $ 24.00 per PLS lb

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