Mr. Hijar speaks @ “Landscape Lecture Series” in Greeley, CO
A big thank you to the City of Greeley for hosting Mr. Hijar in their “Landscape Lecture Series” !
The turn out was phenomenal with 40 plus people in attendance. Mr. Hijar spoke for over an hour on native grasses, covering a plethora of subjects on native seed, including, but not limited to: why to plant native grasses, how to choose the right seed, how to plant native grasses and how to convert to native grasses.
So why all the hoopla on native seed? Well it just makes sense…and cents. Native seed has several innate benefits over introduced grasses such as Kentucky Blue Grass. Native Grasses conserve water as they require less than introduced species, the benefit being that conserved water is water that can be sent down stream, it also amounts to money saved & earned when it comes time to paying those water bills! Native Grasses are also drought tolerant and provide excellent habitat for native wildlife. Additionally Native Seed can help reduce soil erosion allowing the next generation ground to stand and farm on, literally ! The benefits go on and on…We really enjoy being a part of this community and having the opportunity to share our knowledge with the public.
Video was taken of the lecture and will be available by the end of June, at the link provided below.

Mr.Hijar helps with some plant identification