As we move into the spring season, it’s hard not to see the beauty of Colorful Colorado. The days are getting longer which means more time to enjoy the scenery. Our state is notorious for the [...]
This mix was formulated for mountain parks and dry mountain slopes, including broad valleys and plateaus. The elevation ranges from 7,000’ to over 9,000’. The average annual precipitation is 8” [...]
Our Dryland Aggressive Mix #1 is a combination of drought tolerant and adaptable grass species, ideal for an arid climate. This mix contains a mix of wheatgrasses, resulting in improved forage [...]
PBSI’s Dryland Aggressive Mix #2 is a combination of drought tolerant and adaptable grass species, ideal for an arid climate. Dryland Mix #2 includes crested wheatgrass, which is extremely [...]
Fall/Winter Cover Crop Mix is planted after a crop is harvested and before the next crop is ready to be planted. Each seasonal mix contains an optimal species combination, specially tailored to [...]
This mix was created for the transitional zone between the grasslands of the plains and the forest of the mountains along the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains. Elevation ranges from 5,000’ [...]
The Low Grow Mix is a cool season grass mix that have adapted to inhabit a wide range of hills and mountain conditions. It has been adapted for reclamation/restoration in the medium to cooler [...]
PBSI’s Low Grow Native Mix combines the compact growth habit of our Low Grow Mix with the added benefit of using native plant species. It is adapted to inhabit a wide range of hills and [...]
PBSI’s Mountain Wetland Mix is a seed mix custom designed for wetlands in mountain settings above 6000′. This seed mix contains a wide variety of native seeds that are suitable for a [...]
PBSI’s Native Alkali Mix is a grass mix formulated for tough, alkali soils across the Great Plains. Several of the species in the mix – Alkaligrass, Alkaki Sacaton, Bottlebrush [...]
The Native Lawn Mix is a mix of warm-season buffalograss and blue grama, blended for an extremely drought-tolerant lawn that requires little water once established. Both grasses are native to the [...]
PBSI’s Native Mountain Mix is our premier seed mix for mountain parks and slopes, including a variety of upland settings. This species mix grows best from 7,000ft to elevations over [...]
Want to go native? PBSI’s Native Prairie Mix is engineered to grow optimum forage – naturally. Our mix of grama grasses, green needlegrass, sand dropseed and Western wheatgrass [...]
Need some color in your life? Our Native Prairie Wildflower Mix contains a wide variety of native, showy, brightly-colored plants. From Blue Aster to Western Yarrow, this species mix will grow [...]
Our Native Sandyland Mix is specially designed for one of the hardest-to-manage soil types on the Great Plains: sandy sites. Our Sandyland mix has a wide variety of native, sand-loving native [...]
Prairie Wetland Mix is a seed mix custom designed for wetlands in prairie settings. This seed mix contains a wide variety of native seeds that are suitable for a broad variety of climatic and [...]
Our Premium Irrigated Pasture Mix #1 is a combination of meadow brome and orchardgrass, both introduced, cool-season, leafy bunchgrasses. The mix yields excellent quality forage that is highly [...]
PBSI’s Premium Irrigated Pasture Mix #2 is a combination of meadow brome, orchardgrass, and diploid and tetraploid perennial ryegrass. Inclusion of mutiple-ploidy (i.e., various number of [...]
The Rocky Mountain Fairway Mix contains special varieties of Kentucky bluegrasses and elite varieties of perennial ryegrass that combine to create excellent-quality turf. Turf grown is [...]
PBSI’s Rocky Mountain Wildflower Mix is a custom seed mix, designed to grow beautiful flowers at higher altitudes. This mix contains a wide variety of species that will thrive in the unique [...]
The Shady Lawn Mix was formulated to produce a traditional lawn look in a shaded environment. It is fine bladed, shade tolerant, disease resistant, easy to grow, and fills in quickly. This mix [...]
Spring Cover Crop Mix is planted after a crop is harvested and before the next crop is ready to be planted. Each seasonal mix contains an optimal species combination, specially tailored to the [...]
Spring/Summer Cover Crop Mix is planted after a crop is harvested and before the next crop is ready to be planted. Each seasonal mix contains an optimal species combination, specially tailored to [...]
Summer Cover Crop Mix is planted after a crop is harvested and before the next crop is ready to be planted. Each seasonal mix contains an optimal species combination, specially tailored to the [...]